Well, I Never Knew That!

10 facts about One Aldwych to share and surprise

We’ve been around for over 25 years, but there may be a few things about us you may not know…

1.     We are proudly independent

One Aldwych is one of the few remaining five-star hotels in London that is still privately owned and run, which means we don’t have to answer to a head office – we are the head office! Even our magnificent premises, designed by the Anglo-French partnership Mewès & Davis – the ‘starchitects’ of the Edwardian era – isn’t adjoined to any other building. In all respects, we are truly individual.

2.     The building was opened in 1907

Originally commissioned to house The Morning Post, the building was sold to the Inveresk Paper Company and become the home of the Illustrated London News and The Tatler.

3.     The Lobby Bar was once an advertising hall

The Lobby Bar as we know and love today was once the advertising hall, where members of the public came to place and pay for small ads. Look out for The Morning Post typeface on the tables.

4.     Our subterranean 18-metre swimming pool is chlorine-free

Thanks to an innovative mineral cleaning system, our pool is as clean as can be! No nasty harsh chemicals here.

5.     We have promoted sustainability from day one

From the day we opened in 1998, we have been a green pioneer and promoter of sustainability. Every aspect of our business considers the environment, from our EVAC drainage system which uses 70% less water than many traditional systems to our food supply that is 100% transparent – even our cocoa beans are transported from South America to England by sailing ship.

6.     We have hosted several star-studded events

In the same year we opened, Nicole Kidman made her West End debut at the Donmar Warehouse in The Blue Room – the play’s first night party was held in our restaurant. This was also the venue for the launch of Nigella Lawson’s now-classic cookbook How To Eat.

7.     We are a dog-friendly hotel

Cue a round of a-paws!

We welcome small to medium-sized dogs who have reached their first birthday. While the restaurant and Health Club are out of bounds, there’s an open door to the Library and our Lobby Bar. What’s more, they will find an ergonomic dog bed and tasty treats ready and waiting in their guest room. Bone appetit!

8.     We are home to Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Afternoon Tea

Fizzy lifting drinks, snozzberry jam and chocolate swudge milkshake mixed by waterfall. What’s not to love? Whether you’re young in years or young at heart, our Charlie & the Chocolate Afternoon Tea, inspired by Roald Dahl’s iconic story, is magical, mouth watering and simply scrumdiddlyumptious.

9.     There are over 400 works of original art and sculpture all around the hotel

Look out for Spencer the papier-mâché dog and his daughter Lizzie, the Boatman overseeing the action in the Lobby Bar and, by the lifts, the statue of Dionysus, god of wine and chaos.

10. We are home to over 10,000 bees!

We’re lucky to have rooftop hives, surrounded by bee-friendly planting and one of the best views over Covent Garden. In short, we know how to create a buzz. Enjoy a taste of our home-made honeycomb during your stay, available to request through Room Service.


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