Modern Slavery Statement &
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy


One Aldwych is one of the very few truly independent hotels in London.  As a contemporary forward-thinking hotel we take an active role in the local community and consider the future impact of all our activities on our world and the world of our guests, through this we recognise the risks of modern slavery, including the risks that arise through the use of migrant labour as well as risks from within our supply chains within the UK and overseas.

Our company is wholly committed to acting ethically and with integrity, which ensures that human rights are respected and that we operate a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery.

To implement this policy, we have created effective systems and controls to ensure such activity does not occur anywhere on our premises or within our supply chains. We honour the disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and expect the same high standards of our contractors, suppliers, and business partners. If we learn that any of our suppliers or independent contractors has failed this standard, then we shall forthwith cease any trading with them and report their activities (or suspicion thereof) where appropriate. This policy extends to all employees, independent contractors, directors, officers, agency workers, interns, agents, and third-party representatives (“Relevant Persons”).

In order to satisfy the requirements of the Act above and our zero-tolerance policy, One Aldwych has put in place due diligence processes and employee and other Relevant Persons’ training (where possible) to increase employee awareness of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. This includes, but is not limited to the following;

Reporting & Compliance

We encourage the reporting of any suspicion of such activities directly to our Board of Directors and/or a Company legal advisor so designated.  We have a dedicated compliance team who assess any potential risk factors within our control.


We conduct rigorous checks on everyone who works on our team, which includes identity and eligibility to work in the UK.  We also maintain a register of approved external recruitment agents.


Our policies provide a clear set of standards which underpin our commitment to tackling modern slavery. To ensure our policies are embedded in our culture and make employees aware of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the drivers of modern slavery, we share this statement and provide information to our employees through our internal communication channels.

We train our employees, whether full or part-time, to recognise some of the factors leading to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking and we include this in Induction and our staff handbook.

Supply chain

We do not consider that we operate in high-risk sectors or locations. However, we recognise that there is always the potential for slavery and human trafficking to occur so we will regularly evaluate our supply chains using risk assessments.


We protect and defend whistle-blowers who report on any activity.

To satisfy One Aldwych’s zero-tolerance policy, any employee, contractor, agent or guest who has committed, or is potentially engaged in, any crime of modern slavery shall be immediately dismissed from their job and/or reported to the authorities where appropriate.

We will continue to build upon our existing efforts to combat modern slavery and trafficking across our hotel operations and supply chain.

This statement has been reviewed and approved by the Directors of One Aldwych on 25th January 2023.


One Aldwych is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion among our team and to eliminating unlawful discrimination. We continually strive to build and nurture a culture where equality, diversity and inclusion is part of our DNA and reflected in our PROMISE.

Our policy is designed to ensure that all colleagues are offered the same opportunities regardless of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age, marital status or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, gender re-assignment or any other characteristic unrelated to the performance of any job.

We are dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture and to ensuring that all colleagues and job applicants are given equal opportunity. We expect every colleague, guest and supplier to be treated with respect and to create a working environment free from harassment, intimidation or discrimination.

We recognise the benefits of employing individuals from a range of backgrounds and value the wealth of experience within our team and the community in which we operate and aspire to have a workplace that reflects this.

The Leadership Team and Heads of Department play a key role in promoting equality of opportunity within their own areas of responsibility.

Through our induction and other training all Managers and colleagues, irrespective of job or seniority, will be given guidance as to their responsibility and role in promoting equality of opportunity, not discriminating unfairly or harassing colleagues, guests or job applicants or tolerating such behaviour in the team.

Our commitments

  • To be guided by our PROMISE and One Aldwych philosophies to create an environment where all our colleagues feel valued and respected
  • To recognise and value the contribution of every colleague
  • To create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for all colleagues and one that is free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination.
  • To make training, development and progression opportunities available for all colleagues and to ensure opportunities for promotion and training are made available on a fair and equal basis.
  • To create opportunity for all colleagues to discuss their career and progression prospects
  • To recruit and select candidates on an objective basis, and focus on ability to fulfil the job requirements.
  • To take seriously and investigate any complaint of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination by colleagues, guests, suppliers or the general public in the course of the Hotel’s daily activities.

This policy is fully supported by the Leadership Team and is shared with all colleagues and published on the One Aldwych external website.

We regularly review employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness is maintained at all times and to take into account changes in the law. We also monitor the make-up of our workplace regarding such information as age, sex, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religion or belief and disability to as to continue to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion.

One Aldwych will take whatever actions it considers necessary to provide an environment free of discrimination and harassment.
