Hive Of Industry
Buzzy Bees

Buzzy Bees
“I’ve always wanted to look after bees,” reveals Revenue Director, Corin Burr, and as One Aldwych is committed to giving back to the environment, it was happy to help in that quest. “I was absolutely delighted when we introduced our first colony up on the roof,” he says.

Such has been the buzz of activity since, Corin has added a second hive. And to establish a bee-friendly residence up in the clouds – a sort of ‘Air Bee & Bee’ – the hotel has teamed up with charitable organisation ‘River of Flowers’, whose experts inspire property owners in urban spaces to plant wildflowers and flowering trees that bring sustenance to bees.
“Providing quality food throughout the year, rather than just a burst in early spring, is also important,” continues Corin, which means the roof garden’s hexagonal planters overflow with hebes, heleniums, anemones, lavender, salvia, verbena, star jasmine and early and later flowering honeysuckles, to name but a few.

“Bees are such fascinating creatures,” he concludes. “As they pursue the preservation of the colony, they present the perfect example of teamwork. Without them, people and the planet would be in big trouble.”